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What is Vegan?

What is Vegan?
What is Vegan?

Being vegan is a fruit and vegetable-based diet in which people in the world have completely changed their nutritional needs in order to turn to more natural diets instead of animal-based foods. In this case, what are the things preferred by vegans or vegans who do not consume meat or milk from animals in accordance with their lifestyle and do not prefer any products containing animal fats?

When we look at the vegan diets today, they prefer more plant-based consumption instead of animal-based consumption. For example, instead of cow's milk, they prefer a wide variety of consumptions such as milk made from soy, cheeses made with tofu or soy milk, starchy and mashed potatoes. However, it is also possible to say that many products produced for vegans in today's industry are much more delicious and remarkable.

Vegan Nutrition

Although there are very few restaurants that you can choose outside, many restaurants that have become widespread in recent years are now separated according to vegan types in their menus. However, many things will be missing in the body if vegan nutrition is not taken care of by going through a correct control. Where to get many vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, protein, vitamin B12 or vitamin D, is limited. As such, a well-balanced vegan diet is a great thing to choose by paying attention to your diet.

Vegan diet, according to some, is another name for healthy eating. Of course, the underlying thing is actually water. Consumption of at least 10 glasses of water is requested and expected by people to prefer vegan nutrition. However, of course, as sports vegans and non-athletes vegans, there are good vegans today that you can consume without many restrictions on the consumption of vegetables, fruits or grains according to informal groups.

What is vegan nutrition? When you ask, the first thing that comes to mind is legumes, grains and vegetables that you will consume in a much more intense amount instead of meat, milk and cheese groups. However, optionally, nuts, sweets and oils are preferred in small amounts, which are recommended among vegan nutrition.

Vegan Sports Nutrition

Vegan athletes often question whether they get enough protein and energy when they choose branch sports such as football and basketball, especially bodybuilding, fitness, sports such as crossfitt, although they are vegan. Will they be able to get protein by consuming only vegetables? Where else can they get the protein that is nutritious and delicious, but also the body needs for performance?

Drinking a significant amount of water is one of the most important phases of the day for the body to perform at its best. In addition, by drinking organic lemon and apple cider vinegar, they balance their minerals and make an alkaline start to the day in the body. This is a healthy and preferred method. Vegan athletes do not consume many things in the red meat and meat group, and they do not consume milk and dairy products. As such, it is a matter of curiosity what they will prefer in the processes where protein gains importance in bodybuilding.

Coconut water would be the preferred choice to get back the electrolyte lost with sweat after the workout. At this point, they should not only regain the desired values, but also pay attention to these in order to exhibit a healthy body.

In order not to experience vitamin B12 deficiency, they will be expected to take supplements as a result of being vegan in line with expert controls. In order to be able to do this, it is possible to achieve this with various foods that they will take from outside, apart from meat products. There is also a lot to choose from in the wonderful vegan diet list that you can choose as an alternative to animal products.

There are options such as almond milk, soybean and coconut milk that you can consume instead of milk. You can choose these milks in a very comfortable way as well as with plant extracts. Along with these, rice, cashew or oat products also have milk varieties today. Oilseed crushing machines are very useful to prepare them in a healthy way at home instead of ready-made consumption. You can prepare your milk at home with the crushing machine and its varieties, and you can make your choices as you will consume throughout the day.

When looking at sports nutrition in meals or breakfast, oat-egg pair is one of the indispensables. However, at the point of consumption of eggs, you can choose mashed banana, applesauce or flaxseed instead because they are sources of protein. You can even choose seeds like tofu and chia. By mixing it with water, you can wait for a while and consume it very deliciously with flax and chia seeds. In the same way, it is possible to consume the obtained liquid instead of egg selections in this area with the help of a crushing machine.

The vegan athlete participates in a hard life instead of a ready-made life, including meat products, as he chooses as a lifestyle and accordingly wants to stay away from animal food types. While finding alternatives, including eggs, outside of meat and dairy products, they process much more laboriously than ready-made foods. Accordingly, whether they are healthy or not is often discussed.

Is Veganism Healthy?

In vegan diet, which is a lifestyle in which all animal foods are rejected, plant-based foods are preferred. In this way, it is a radical step taken for a healthy life, not a diet. With balanced and adequate nutrients, the aim here will be to establish a healthy balance with a more balanced life.

Protein is one of the essential and vital requirements for the body and human life. Protein, which helps to meet the need for amino acids, has a structure that will provide repair in cases of wear, and the structure of enzymes and hormones that will protect the body against diseases. These and similar proteins are also found in foods of plant and animal origin. As such, the vegan type wants and aims to achieve this with a more plant-based diet.

Food Machines For Vegans

There are food machines suitable for different usage areas, which can be preferred in the home environment. These machines for vegans can be used in a much wider framework. Crushing machines can be selected for milk to be preferred from various nuts such as coconut milk, soy, almond milk instead of ready-made cow's milk.

Similarly, when choosing hazelnuts and pistachios, or for different greens, a crushing machine can be used in the best way, and you can make your choices in a much healthier way with these products that can be selected for homes.


Tahini Machine
Dimensions: 32 x 32 x 80 cm (Width x Length x Height)
Weight: 35 kg
Capacity: 20 kg / Hour
Power: 1.5 Kw
Peanut Butter Machine
Dimensions: 60 x 30 x 60 cm (Width x Length x Height)
Weight: 30 kg
Capacity: 50 kg / Hour
Power: 1.5 kw
Peanut Butter Machine (Gold Color)
Dimensions: 60 x 30 x 60 cm (Width x Length x Height)
Weight: 30 Kg
Capacity: 50 Kg / Hour
Power: 1.5 Kw